Timezone Title: | Africa/Lagos West Africa Time (WAT) |
Next DST: |
There is no DST in this country All daylight saving time changes |
Standard UTC Offset: | +1:00 Hour |
Actual UTC Offset: | +1:00 Hour |
Actual Offset MEZ: | 0:00 Hours |
Calendar week (European standard): | 07 |
Language: | French |
Capital: | Libreville |
Size: | 267,667 km² |
Currency: | Franc (XAF) |
Convert Currency | |
Kfz: | G |
Tld: | .ga |
Fon: | + 241 |
Isoname: | GA |
FIPS Code: | GB |
Population: | 1,545,255 |
Neighbour countries: | Cameroon; Equatorial Guinea; Republic of the Congo |