
Flag Martinique (France)

Martinique (France)

Current local time:


Time Zone

Timezone Title: America/Barbados
Atlantic Standard Time (AST)
Next DST: There is no DST in this country
All daylight saving time changes
Standard UTC Offset: -4:00 Hours
Actual UTC Offset: -4:00 Hours
Actual Offset MEZ: -5:00 Hours
Calendar week (European standard): 06

Country Info

Language: French, Créole
Capital: Fort-de-France
Size: 1,100 km²
Currency: Euro (EUR)
  Convert Currency
Tld: .mq
Fon: + 596
Isoname: MQ
Population: 432,900


Travel info

Arrival and departure information for airports in Martinique (France)

Do you have to organize the airport pickup of a business partner? Is your family returning from a holiday? Are you taking a flight and would like to check your departure time?

Our partner Flight Information System is providing timezone.de-users with up-to-date information on arrivals and departures of airports from around the world.

Please click on the airport of Fort-de-France on Martinique to access information like arrival and departure times, airport phone numbers and much more.

Have a good flight!