Timezone Title: | America/Guyana Guyana Time (GYT) |
Next DST: |
There is no DST in this country All daylight saving time changes |
Standard UTC Offset: | -4:00 Hours |
Actual UTC Offset: | -4:00 Hours |
Actual Offset MEZ: | -5:00 Hours |
Calendar week (European standard): | 06 |
Language: | English |
Capital: | Georgetown |
Size: | 214,970 kmĀ² |
Currency: | Dollar (GYD) |
Kfz: | GUZ |
Tld: | .gy |
Fon: | + 592 |
Isoname: | GY |
FIPS Code: | GY |
Population: | 748,486 |
Neighbour countries: | Suriname; Brazil; Venezuela |
110 V and 220 V, 50 and 60 Hz
One of the characteristics of Guyana is that it is hot and relatively humid year round. Keeping that in mind, the best month for a trip to Guyana are probably from the end of January to April. During that time the number of days with rain is at its lowest and the temperatures and hot, but not super hot. After April the combination of heat and humidity becomes very unpleasant.